Products from Supreme Chaos Records
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BONJOUR TRISTESSE stehen für eigenständigen, von der Masse losgelösten Black Metal. Thränenkind-Mastermind Nathanel (u.a. auch Heretoir, ex-Agrypnie und Wind in his Hair) erschafft auf "Par Un Sourire" eine beklemmende, düstere...
€17.00 *
A wishful soundtrack for our modern and hopeless world. Extreme and melancholic. The sheer desperation and dark aesthetics of "Your Ultimate Urban Nightmare" are omnipresent and lastingly impressive. The sounds of 'The End Of The World'...
€17.00 *
with members of WIND IN HIS HAIR, BONJOUR TRISTESSE... Incredibly emotional melodies interwoven with a more classic style of black metal. The album is nearly an hour long, and yet I wish every song was longer. So many beautiful passages...
€23.00 *
“THRÄNENKIND is all about atmosphere, not blazing speed or brutality. They remind me a bit of WOLVES IN THE THRONE ROOM without the black metal, but have a lot in common with CELESTIIAL, a “woodland doom” band from the Mid-Western U.S.”...
€22.00 *
Deeply mind disturbing utter destructive music. No escape. These tracks will nail you to the wall like a nail gun, spit in your face, distract your heart from your body and leave you with empty eyes staring into black nothingness.
€15.00 *
With "Intimhölle Regression" UNRU from Bielefeld / Germany will drag you into the gorge of deepest darkness again. Here is no escape, the nightmarish intro is followed by hypnotic riffing, vocal sounds, manic fury. This creation leaves...
€15.00 *