Behind Enemy Lines - One Nation Under The Iron Fist Of God LP

- Item number: AA48
This is the anthemic follow-up to BEHIND ENEMY LINES’ brilliant first two albums. This contains the ferocious sound of their previous efforts along with a powerful Scandi-crust machine-gun-like punch and of course the scathing, hyper-political lyrics that aren't afraid to name names and list addresses for those responsible for fucking over the world. In addition to the normal CD jewel case and packaging, this package includes a separate perfect-bound, 64-page book with the lengthy lyrics, dozens of political posters and additional artwork. If you do not already know BEHIND ENEMY LINES then you are missing some of the most intense, anti-authoritiarian punk rock of our ages! BEHIND ENEMY LINES is made up by veteran members of some of the most influential American hardcore/punk bands of the last decade (AUS-ROTTEN, REACT, PIST, CAUSTIC CHRIST, etc.).