"The One Great Curse is a 40-minute thrash-fuelled piece of old school black metal, very much in the Venom and Under the Sign of the Black Mark-era Bathory vein. Somewhat more straightforward than Lucifuge’s previous outings, particularly their debut, The One Great Curse is, above all else, a fun listen. There is a real energy to the record, which you feel the moment the first thrashy riff drops about a minute into opener “Among Dead Gods.” For the first half of the record, there’s little you can do to stop your head from banging along to the dual guitar attack, while the simple but effective work on drums from Xavi pounds away beneath Equinox’s gravelly, barked vocals, which have a heavy dollop of Quorthon about them. As combinations go, this is a hard one to argue with." - Angry Metal Guy